Oreofeoluwa signed a two-year contract with the real estate company on Saturday at its corporate headquarters in Abuja. Speaking shortly before the contract was signed, the MD/CEO of T Pumpy Concept Limited, Mr. Akintayo Adaralegbe, said he was moved by the boy’s courage and boldness during the conversation with his mum in the viral video. He described his action as smart, intelligent and resilient.
“While many people only watched and laughed over the 3-minute-18-second footage I learnt a lot from it. “He’s courageous, bold and innovative. It reminds us that as a people, no matter the situation, we should learn to CALM DOWN! “We decided to bring him on board because of his courage, tenacity and power to negotiate, which are some of the things what T Pumpy stands for. “On behalf of the staff and management of T Pumpy Concept Limited, I welcome Master Oreofeoluwa to this family.” Speaking shortly after signing the contract on behalf of the young man, his mother, Mrs. Lawal-Babalola, thanked T Pumpy for reaching out to the son.
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