Nigerian Military Airlifts COVID-19 Relief Materials To 14 West African Countries. The relief items included laboratory diagnostic kits, Personal Protective Equipment, intensive care equipment as well as miscellaneous medical accessories. The Nigerian Air Force is set to airlift about 4,000kg relief materials to 14 West African countries as donated by the Economic Community of West African States. The relief items included laboratory diagnostic kits, Personal Protective Equipment, intensive care equipment as well as miscellaneous medical accessories. The materials would be airlifted by a seven-man NAF C-130 aircraft crew. Apart from ECOWAS, the items came through donations from partners such as Team Europe, the German Government, United Nations Development Programme and the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit. “The relief materials which will be distributed to the 14-member nations of ECOWAS, Nigeria inclusive, are in response to the spread of the second ...
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