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From Yorobam (Jeroboam) To Yarriba To Yoruba

First, I have read the account of Sultan Mohammed Bello credited for the earliest written account of the Yorubas (whom he called Yarriba), where he referred to them as coming from Canaanites and the kindred of Nimrod. My question therefore is this- are they Cananites or did they occupy the land of Canaan (Israelites)?

To deal with this question, let me make some things clear. Based on extensive research of ancient historical records, DNA, etc. The Yoruba are ancient Isrealites and comprise of The Northern Kingdom (Ephraim) headed by Yarobam/ Jeroboam, and the southern Kingdom of Judah who were in captivity in Babylon (Ethiopia/South-sudan/Yemen), Judah in the Sahel who fled the destruction of Jerusalem (in Southern Africa) and also Judah who were expelled from Spain and Portugal in the late 1400s.

Also worthy of note is the fact that the Sahel/Niger republic was the true region of Ancient Assyria. Remember, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity by Assyrians. So when they speak of Yorubas as Sudanese or Migrants from Sudan of the Sahel, they're referring to those of the Northern Kingdom who were taken into Assyrian captivity. ALSO, they're referring to those who after the Babylonian captivity (in South-Sudan/ Ethiopia, Yemen) and after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (in southern Africa) in 70AD, populated the Sahel, stretching from Mali in the West to Sudan in the East. The Sahel was once full of Jews/blacks (of the southern Kingdom of Judah) who fled for their lives and from slavery.

As the Arab invasion of Africa began in the 8th century, many of these Jews in the Sahel region began to migrate southwards, fleeing persecution, forceful conversion and slavery. Many (including Igbos) migrated to the coasts of West Africa to meet their brethren. They also migrated to Central and Southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Congo, South Africa etc).

So back to the Sultan's position... There are a number of reasons why he would draw such conclusions...

1. First, these are wondering Jews who are fleeing persucution and slavery. Who will accord them the respect of being the people of YAH?

2. After all the years of captivity, persecution and death, answering the name Hebrew was as good as calling for death hence those who knew will hide such knowledge or only speak of it in low tones. To understand this, imagine what it is for an Igbo man to identify as Biafran or Ipob openly in Nigeria today. 

3. Nimrod, Yorobam (Jeroboam) and idolatory.

I find that the prevalent idolatory in West Africa has caused many to doubt that these same people are the people of the book. Well the very fact that they practice Idolatory is proof positive that they're the people of the book. Because it was written that the people will serve idols (Deuteronomy 28:36, 4:27-28).

Also, if you study about Yorobam (Jeroboam) you'll find that after the division of the kingdom, and he was made King, he caused the people to sin. He not only stopped the children of Israel from going to Jerusalem to worship, he set up his own alters and appointed his own priests and holy days, and set up two golden calfs and said to the people, "behold your gods..." (1kings 12:28).

Nimrod on the other hand is the father of all modern day idolatrous religions ie. Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. The same Nimrod associated with the tower of Babel. His name is synonymous with idolatory. He is the Father Christmas people worship today. His birthday is 25th December. The Christmas tree custom is an ancient custom instituted by his wife-mother after his death.

Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod’s death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. Semiramis, Nimrod's mother-wife is the one worshipped today as queen of heaven, mother of god, virgin Mary, Easter, Mami water, mother's day etc.

And By the way, Nimrod was black (African- Kushite), and so was Yorobam (Hebrew/ Negro). So we're talking about so-called African spirituality here, the origin of all modern religions. Also, West Africa is the region of the ancient summerian civilization, hence the summerian influence in their worship and culture.

So don't be surprised... the children of Israel and Judah worshiped idols even right in Yerushalem/Jerusalem (not the fake one in the middle East), reason they were driven out, their temple destroyed and they have suffered captivity to this day

So when we're talking about the Holy land or the people of the book, remove your mind from that fake land and the people there. It's a distraction to keep y'all asleep while the carnage and captivity continues. Also because the awakening of the true people will signal the return of our black MESSIAH who will destroy all enemies, overthrow all kingdoms and establish His kingdom on earth with us.

So Hebrew Yorobam (Jeroboam) is Yoruba. REPENT. #AwakeOIsrael


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