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(1) Casting for Pretty tall Hostesses @7Adenike Ogunye Str, Magodo. Date: monday25/02/13..10 am prompt, hostesses mst all dress smart wt heels.. Ask4 TEZ say frm (JoHN TosH) PSYKO CiTY MODELS...... (2) Field Consultants/Ushers urgntly needed..Com in person to No17Gbajumo Crescent,Off Adeniran Ogunsanya. Surulere. Lagos..24th/25th,feb 2013..10am prompt! Ask 4CYNTiA- Jus say from (JoHN TosH) PSYKO CiTY MODELS...... * (3) Ushers needed 2morrow by 12pm ping me if interested 30F93AD8. Come to Abibiz 3a Oko-awo street,opp Eko hotel VI,tomorrow 25th by 12pm say from merlin or say from (JoHN TosH) PSYKO CiTY MODELS...... (4) 30 female ushers needed Dark skin & fair skin,the audition-2moro Monday @ (3rd avenue- 'K close' Festac town,lagos ) Time 9am prompt #PAY:30k per model. Pls come with 2 full body pictures showing legs - say from (JoHN TosH) PSYKO CiTY MODELS...... * (5) WAITRESSES NEEDED for a nite club @ Abibiz 3a Oko-awo street opp Eko hotel VI. Time: 11am. 25th Feb 2013. Say from TEMMY or (JoHN TosH). PSYKO CiTY MODELS...... Pin:2a050ab9 +2348165566155 Twitter @psykocity.


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