The celebration of JIC Igbe's burial has formally kicked off with IKAPTANG community in Ishibohr, Ogoja blazing the trail. An educationist and former Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) in Adamawa, Bayelsa and Ebonyi States, Chief Joseph Iyambe Cyril Igbe has passed on at the age of 86. A native of Nkim in Ogoja Local Government Area, Mr. Igbe, fondly referred to as Chief JIC Igbe, passed away on Monday. Asides being INEC REC in three States, he served as the first black principal of MaryKnoll College, Okuku and two other schools. Also, he was the Ogoja representative in the constituent assembly during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida. *Video clips by Ita Akuku.
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