BREAKING NEWS ! On the 24th day of the 10th month in the year 2021. A black African man from the Igbo race, called Mazi Uba Acho discovered a Lake in Leicester East Midlands of England. This newly discovered Lake by Uba Acho shall be called lyi Ojemba. Just as Mungo Park discovered river Niger in Nigeria. A river Ogbaru, Anam and Onitsha people and ancestors had been fishing in and swimming in long before the great great grand father of Mungo Park was born. But hey! Mungo Park travelled over six thousand miles from Scotland in 1795 and discovered it. Just as David Livingstone travelled thousands of miles in 1855 to discover Zambezi river in Zambia and Zimbabwe also discovered a waterfall which he named Victoria-falls. Of course all the people, tribes and communities in Zimbabwe and Zambia, who have been hunting, farming, rearing their herds in that area for centuries were all blind they couldn't see such water bodies. Until a Scotish man came from Britain to discover it. And up til...
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