Nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, is expected to be signed by a new judge of the Federal High Court in Abuja on Wednesday. The detained aides have reportedly met all their bail conditions. It was reported on Tuesday that Justice Obiora Egwuatu of the Federal High Court in Abuja suddenly went “ missing ” after the 12 detained associates of Igboho met all their bail conditions. According to the source, when they took the detainees to the judge, " they were told that he did not come to work and had left instructions that another judge must not sign on his behalf.” It was learnt that Justice Egwuatu was supposed to sign the release warrant of the detainees but the bail office of the court said he was not available to do so. However, Pelumi Olajengbesi, the detainees’ lawyer on Tuesday approached the bail office of the court to assign another judge to sign the release warrant of his clients who had been detained in the custody of the Depart...
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