Nigerian entertainer Funke Akindele, who made the news in 2020 is star actress, producer, and director, Funke Akindele-Bello. Sometimes around April during the statewide lockdown occasioned by COVID-19, the Jenifa star got into the news for throwing a party to celebrate the birthday of her husband Abdul Rasheed Bello aka JJC Skillz. The party, which had Naira Marley, Eniola Badmus, and over twenty people in attendance, contravened the social distancing directives and regulations of the Lagos State government to prevent the spread of the virus. Akindele-Bello was widely criticized online and in the news for months. The couple was later charged to court, pleaded guilty, and was ordered to pay N100,000 Naira each as fine, 14 days community service, and thereafter to observe a period of isolation. Subsequently, the couple was granted state pardon by the Lagos state governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu in October. In July Funke Akindele-Bello gifted a new apartment to veteran actor, Kayode Olasehin...
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